NKSC Board Positions

Elected Board Positions


  • Preside over all Club and Board meetings
  • Represent the club at NSYSA meetings
  • Prepare and execute Annual Board Retreat, to be held no later than February of each year, for club planning, finalizing budget, and goal setting. Coordinate logistics with Secretary
  • Along with Treasurer and Vice President, act as signatory for treasury orders and provide record to Treasurer
  • Review responsibilities, by-laws, and other applicable club documents with each newly elected board member
  • Collect club reports and provide to higher authority annually as required
  • Appoint chairperson for committees
  • Appoint volunteer to fill the vacancy of any officer
  • Appoint an annual audit committee to review financial records
  • Collect, evaluate, and act on player, parent, and staff feedback to ensure club success
  • Maintain open communication between the club and the other clubs and affiliates
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary


  • Maintain accurate and official record of all meetings and distribute to the Board prior to the next Club meeting
  • Serve as primary point of contact for club, coordinating and distributing club communication
  • Keep website content up-to-date, in coordination with Director of Community Outreach
  • Coordinate all logistics for club business, special meetings, and Annual General Meeting (AGM); and give notice to the board and membership as stipulated in the club by-laws
  • Annually collect individual board member reports and submit collective club report to President
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary
  • Remind board members of scheduled meetings as necessary


  • Keep an accurate written record of all financial transactions, according to governing documents, including monthly and annual financial reports
  • Prepare proposed annual budget for upcoming fiscal year (April 1 through March 31), for board to review and approve at annual retreat
  • Prepare and maintain yearly state and federal tax forms, which establish the club as being a non-profit youth organization
  • Along with President and Vice President, act as signatory for treasury orders and maintain record
  • Receive and issue receipts for all club financial transactions
  • Maintain bonding insurance as required on financial co-signers
  • Provide financial records to annual audit committee
  • Present upcoming fiscal year budget at Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Receive need-based financial aid requests; establish and lead committee to review and approve requests
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary

Vice President

  • Assume the office of President, if the office is vacated
  • Ensure Certificates of Insurance stay current with NSYSA (WYS) and/or US Club Soccer, as well as with North Kitsap School District
  • Along with Treasurer and President, act as signatory for treasury orders and provide record to Treasurer
  • Serve as NKSC Risk Management Coordinator
  • Assemble and chair Annual Document Review Committee, ensuring that NKSC constitution, by-laws, codes of conduct, and rules & regulations are regularly updated
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary

Technical Director

  • Schedule all matches for competitive and recreational programs
  • Schedule team practice times and locations
  • Collaborate with Director of Recreational Program and Director of Competitive Program to recruit, coordinate, and schedule referees, including club-assigned referees for modified division games
  • Serve as liaison between the club and North Kitsap School District (NKSD) to acquire fields
  • Collaborate with Director of Recreational Program and Director of Registration to prepare for and represent NKSC at NSYSA scheduling meeting
  • Recruit recreational coaches with the assistance of Director of Recreational Program
  • Determine age group for each club-assigned field
  • Assist Director of Competitive Program with annual tryouts
  • Execute coach selections, player selection processes, player and coach development plans, and overall program development, with oversight of the board
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Collaborate with Director of Recreational Program and Director of Competitive Program to ensure all teams’ league placements are appropriate
  • Serve as the liaison between The Club and leagues for all disciplinary conduct as necessary
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary

Director of Fields

  • The Director of Fields shall have authority over all aspects of gaining NKSC allocation and preparing fields for NKSC events
  • Prepare fields (i.e. repaint goals, hang nets, etc.) for practices and games, ordering supplies and replacements as needed
  • Ensure goals and nets are functional, in good repair, and secure, to be available for all club events
  • Ensure Sani-Cans are managed and available for all active fields
  • Maintain club storage facilities, in coordination with Director of Equipment
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary

Director of Equipment

  • Distribute and collect equipment for all club programs
  • Order, distribute, and manage new uniforms as needed for the Recreational Program. Reference the NKSC Jersey Document for further guidance
  • Keep an accurate inventory of all club-owned equipment
  • Maintain all club-owned equipment and replace as needed
  • Maintain club storage facilities, in coordination with Director of Fields
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary
  • Order and distribute club pins as necessary

Director of Community Outreach

  • Publicize all club activities through local and online venues
  • Keep website content up-to-date, in coordination with Secretary
  • Maintain publicly-accessible club calendar
  • Contract, schedule, and distribute team pictures
  • Arrange annual coach appreciation program
  • Manage high school senior scholarship program
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary
  • Seek nominations and make recommendations to the board for annual awards as necessary
  • Coordinate all logistics for the Annual Team and Player Awards Ceremony as necessary

Director of Registration

  • Oversee the online registration program
  • Serve as liaison to online registration vendor
  • Collaborate with program directors to form competitive and recreational teams
  • Collaborate with Technical Director and Director of Recreational Program to prepare for and represent NKSC at NSYSA scheduling meeting
  • Provide each team with rosters and medical releases
  • Ensure all players’ birth certificates are submitted
  • Prepare team rosters for tournament play
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary

Director of Recreational Program

  • Serve as liaison between The Board and recreational teams
  • Execute logistics for Fall, Spring, and Summer programs
  • Collaborate with Director of Registration to form recreational teams
  • Recruit recreational coaches with the assistance of the Technical Director
  • Collaborate with Technical Director and Director of Registration to prepare for and represent NKSC at NSYSA scheduling meeting
  • Collaborate with Technical Director to schedule recreational games
  • Conduct coach meetings to ensure information is delivered to all coaches in a timely manner
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary
  • Assist recreational teams with discovering and registering for recreational tournaments (including, but not limited to, Soccer to the Maxx and the WYS Recreational Cup) as necessary
  • Seek out, recommend, and execute player and coach development opportunities as necessary.

Director of Competitive Program

  • Serve as liaison between The Board and competitive teams
  • Ensure proper registration and payment of all competitive players, and registration/RMA clearance of all team staff
  • Coordinate with leagues and organizations to register the competitive teams for leagues, cups, and tournament play
  • Organize and lead competitive team tryouts
  • Execute coach selections, player selection processes, player and coach development plans, and overall program development, with oversight of the board
  • Maintain competitive program website content
  • Conduct coach meetings to ensure information is delivered to all coaches in a timely manner
  • Conduct team manager training meeting shortly after team formations
  • Ensure timely submissions of game results (scores and standings) by managers
  • Provide monthly report to the board of work completed within your area of responsibility
  • Recruit coordinators/volunteers to support role as necessary
  • Conduct informational open house prior to each year’s tryout as necessary
  • Provide final league standings to Director of Community Outreach for purchase of recognition awards as necessary
  • Facilitate coach training with assistance of Technical Director as necessary
  • Organize Competitive Program uniforms. Reference the NKSC Jersey Document for further guidance