College Scholarships
2025 Applications are NOW OPEN. Applications will close May 15, 2025. All applicants will be notified of their status upon receipt of completed application.
As a community-based organization, North Kitsap Soccer Club (NKSC) seeks to support area youth, first through the sport of soccer, and additionally by supporting ongoing education. NKSC awards three college-bound scholarships to qualified seniors. These scholarships are available to current, graduating seniors in good standing and who meet the following soccer related criteria:
- Must have played soccer on an NKSC team (recreational or competitive level) for at least 2 years (not required to be consecutive).
- Must have served the NKSC in one or more of the following ways, in addition to soccer team participation:
- Coached or assisted in coaching an NKSC team for at least 1 season.
- Refereed with KPSRA for NKSC matches for at least 1 season.
- Helped NKSC in another capacity, specify in application.
- Must be a current, graduating senior in good academic standing.
- Must be enrolled in post-secondary collegiate program or trade school.
- Must be able to demonstrate how soccer has made an impact on his/her life and how he/she will continue to include soccer in his/her future endeavors.
Application found here: nksc college scholarship.pdf. Submit application to: Questions? Please direct them to