The North Kitsap Soccer Club is run primarily by the generous people who volunteer their time and efforts to help make this a successful club. Please consider volunteering your time to fulfill one or more of the following tasks. Our collective time commitment will ensure a great experience for all the NKSC players.
Below you will find many ways to volunteer your time. These jobs include a brief description and associated time estimates.
If you are interested in open Board positions, read the summaries here. Please send an email to and we will get in touch with you.
Other Volunteer Positions
One of the most gratifying activities and also one of the most intense and demanding. You have the heart and soul of our association in your hands. You can mold these kids’ futures with your enthusiasm and guidance. It’s more than just a game. And you can prove it to them. You will need to organize weekly practice activities, concentrating on skills, game situation strategies, team cohesiveness, and most of all…FUN!!! You’ll also be welcomed to attend coach’s clinics, coaching license training, and periodic organizational meetings. For new coaches, the club can provide help and assistance from experienced coaches as requested by the new coach.
Estimated Time: High commitment. 4 to 6 hours weekly, during an active session. Add in 3 additional hours monthly for meetings and clinics. And add in additional hours for coaching license training.
Assistant Coach
Assist the head coach in their responsibilities. At the same time, use the head coach as a mentor, in order to build your experience and coaching confidence. This way you may play the head coach role in future years. You’ll also be welcomed to attend coach’s clinics, coaching license training, and periodic organizational meetings.
Estimated Time: High commitment. 2 to 4 hours weekly, during an active session. Add in 3 additional hours monthly for meetings and clinics. And add in additional hours for coaching license training.
Team Manager
Assist the team’s coaches in coordinating telephone calls, uniforms, soliciting team volunteers, team pictures, player emergency consent to treat forms, and distributing information to other parents at practices and/or games. The team manager may be asked to represent their team’s parents should a vote or team’s perspective be required.
Estimated Time: Medium commitment. 1 to 2 hours weekly, every week, during an active session, and one pre-season meeting.