Fall Rec Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for our Fall recreational program, which includes U6 – U18 boys and girls divisions. The deadline to register isn’t until July 15, but we encourage you to register as early as possible so that we can determine how many teams there will be for each division and can help identify volunteer coaches to make sure everyone gets a chance to play.

Speaking of volunteer coaches, if you plan on volunteering to coach or are interested in learning more, let us know BEFORE you register your player so we can provide you with your registration discount code.


6 responses to “Fall Rec Registration Now Open!”

  1. Are there any leagues for adults???
    In the surrounding area???

    1. Richard Carrigan Avatar
      Richard Carrigan

      Hi Dave,

      Great question! Other NKSC community members may know of others, but the only place I’m aware of that does adult soccer is the Bremerton Sports Center. You can find more information, including their match schedule, at https://bremertonsports.com/.

  2. What is the fall schedule dates and location for U8?

    1. Andrew Blackwood Avatar
      Andrew Blackwood

      Hi Kevin,

      Thanks for reaching out. We won’t know the exact fall schedule until after rec registration closes in July, but generally U8 teams practice on either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, usually at either Poulsbo Middle School or Strawberry Fields. Teams generally practice from 5-6:30pm or 6:30-8pm, depending on your coach’s schedule and field availability.

      Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!

      Andrew Blackwood
      NKSC Vice-President

  3. Megan Foley Avatar
    Megan Foley

    Do you offer a sibling or military discount I have 3 kiddos that want to sign up. Thank you

    1. Andrew Blackwood Avatar
      Andrew Blackwood

      Hi Megan,

      Thanks for reaching out. We don’t offer a sibling or military discount. We do have a needs-based financial aid program.

      Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!
      Andrew Blackwood
      NKSC Vice-President

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